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BS Summer Camp

Middle Tennessee Council Campership

To be eligible, the following guidelines must be met by the youth applicant:


  • Registered within the Middle Tennessee Council and in good standing for at least 30 days prior to completing an application.

  • Attend a Middle Tennessee Council operated Summer Camp(Day Camp, Family Scouting at Cubworld, or Scouts BSA Summer Camp)

  • Recommended by his/her Unit Leader (Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or Advisor) and Parent/Guardian. It is the responsibility of the parent to complete the online application form. However, if you cannot complete the form see your unit leader for assistance.

  • Keep in mind that a campership request will only be awarded for one camp.


Unit Leaders we urge your assistance with families applying for camperships. We want to be sure that Scouts who could not attend camp without financial assistance are considered for camperships.


In keeping with the philosophy of “pay your own way”, each youth should pay a portion of the fee.   Camperships are   awarded   based   primarily   on   need.   The   more   information the campership committee has about the Scout’s need, the better. The Middle Tennessee Council also reserves the right to consider the unit’s participation in Council administered product sales as demonstrating a concerted effort to raise these funds. The family and unit should also contribute to the cost of the camp experience. Camperships awarded will not exceed 50% of the event fee.


Applying for campership assistance extended to April 11, 2024 to allow time for review and response. If approved, the campership amount will be sent to parent and unit leader. The campership is to a specific individual and is not transferable to other youth.


  1. Apply separately for each Scout needing assistance. All information requested must be completed when applying.

  2. Assistance  will be considered  based  on need, the  youth’s  unit’s support  of the  mission  of the  Middle Tennessee Council including participation in the Friends of Scouting  Campaign, Popcorn Sale,  and  Camp  Card Sale.

  3. All requests must be submitted by,  April 11, 2024.  All campership applications submitted on time will be considered based on the financial need of the Scout in relation to the other applications received and available funds.  Any campership applications received after April 11, 2024 will only be considered if there are funds remaining.

  4. Your request will be reviewed by campership committee within the Middle Tennessee Council. Campership awards and information is confidential and will not be shared outside of the campership committee.

  5. After   review   notification    will    be    done    by    the    Middle    Tennessee    Council    to the Campership Recipient’s family and Unit Leadership including the assistance decision.

  6. Assistance funds will be credited to each Scout when they attend the event they applied for.   Funds are only usable by the individual whom the assistance was granted.

  7. Completeness of the information when applying will help determine the campership allocation.

  8. Scouts are only eligible to receive one form of financial assistance.



Thrifty: A Scout works to pay his own way and help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.


If you have questions or need assistance please email


Please complete the online campership request - Click here​

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